The Weather in Rome

Rome maintains a mostly predicable climate in keeping with the seasonal changes. Between January and March the days are generally crisp and fine but there can be many rainy days. By Mid March the temperature is around 12 °C .

From April the days are getting warmer and the nights are cool. Rome is still partial to downpours at this time. From April until the end of May, the temperature climbs to around 22°C .

The hottest time of the year is from June- September and rain is uncommon during this time. The days are very humid and evenings are warm and pleasant. Temperatures can rise however to an uncomfortable 40°C .

Autumn is a beautiful season. There are many fine days at this time of year. Temperatures begin to drop ranging from around 20°C in October to 12°C by December.

1 Comment

  1. imgrum on 26 September , 2017 at 9:22 AM

    Thank you for sharing the information. Now I know which is the best time in a year to visit Rome.

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